English Learning Opportunities / Способы изучения английского языка

Диалог ниже средней сложности — English Learning Opportunities / Способы изучения английского языка

Kate: Olga, could you tell me how best I can enrich my English language skills?

Olga: Kate, I think there are numerous ways to do that. First, you may start reading books. Next, make English pen-pals and start writing letters in English. Then...

Kate: Oh, wait. These ideas are good. But I want to talk to a native speaker, maybe watch films in English or visit some interesting seminars for students. Something like this.

Olga: I know one place, where you can do many of these things.

Kate: Yes? Please, tell me about it.

Olga: You may go to Kiev and find Voloska Street; it is 15 minutes from H. Skovorody Street. There is a beautiful building of the British Council.

Kate: Really? I didn't know that.

Olga: There you may borrow various books, audiocassettes, audio books, films and music CDs. Very often they hold different seminars and conferences, where native speakers present their speeches, projects and programmes. I think this is a brilliant opportunity for learning English.

Kate: Sounds very exciting. How can I register?

Olga: You have to come to, actually any British Council in Ukraine. There you'll be greeted by an office worker or a librarian who will tell you the rules of becoming a member of the resource centre. And they will also offer you membership cards. They have platinum, golden, bronze and some other types of cards.

Kate: Have you been there yourself? You know lots about it.

Olga: Thank you. My cousin from Kiev told me about the British Council. She has invited me to go there. Do you want to join me?

Kate: Yes, of course. I'd love to.

Olga: Then we shall decide when it is the best time for both of us to go there.

Kate: Right. Weil, anyway thank you!

Olga: You are welcome!

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