Places of historical interest in Ukraine / Интересные исторические места в Украине

Текст ниже средней сложности — Places of historical interest in Ukraine / Интересные исторические места в Украине

Ukraine is a country with a long and interesting history. Ancient monuments, old cathedrals, castles and monuments are connected with its unique culture, famous people, events and, of course, legends. You can visit the Crimea, where a lot of famous people lived. One of the most interesting cities, rich in historical monuments is Yalta. It is possible to visit the late house of Chekhov, where he lived and wrote his late works. The famous symbol of the Crimea is the castle "Swallow's Nest", with which a beautiful legend, a romantic love story is connected.

If you visit western Ukraine, you can enjoy the Carpathians with their legends, feudal lords' castles and cathedrals, with their unique culture. Almost every region, city or town has something to attract tourists with. If you walk along Odessa boulevards, where Pushkin walked a long time ago, you can touch the trees, which Pushkin touched. Dikanka, Sorochintsy in the Poltava region are famous Gogol places. You can see the house, where the national genius Taras Shevchenko was born. You can also see his books, drawings and manuscripts in Shevchenko museum, which is located in the village not far from Kanev. Famous Ukrainian Cossacks' culture is preserved on the island of Khortitsa, in Zaporozhye.

If you want to feel and breathe the history of more than 1500 years, you can visit one of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe, the heart of Ukraine - Kiev.

St. Sophia's Cathedral and Kievo Pecherskaya Lavra are well-known to the whole Slavonic world. St. Sophia's Cathedral was built in 1073 by Yaroslav the Wise and was meant to turn it into the cultural centre of his Eastern Slavic state. The Lavra is more than 1000 years old. It was also a major centre of religious and cultural life. As you see, there are a lot of places in Ukraine to be proud of.


ancient — древний

cathedral — собор

castle (s) — замок, замки

"Swallow's Nest" — «Ласточкино Гнездо»

genius - гений

major centre — огромный центр

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