Theatre and cinema in Great Britain / Театр и кино в Великобритании

Текст ниже средней сложности — Theatre and cinema in Great Britain / Театр и кино в Великобритании

Theatre is a popular entertainment in Great Britain. There are many old and famous theatres all over the country. New theatres appear nowadays in some provincial cities and towns. But the theatrical centre of the country is, of course, London. There are about 48 mam theatres in the West End and about 10 in the suburb. Everyone may find a theatre to their own taste. In the National Theatre you may watch intellectual drama of Bernard Shaw and emotional plays of John Galsworthy. The Royal Court Theatre and The Mermaid Theatre in London put on modern plays. There is the National Youth Theatre. Its members are all young people. It produces plays at home and abroad during the summer.

World-famous for its concerts is Albert Hall in London. Among the first-class orchestras are BBC Symphony and London Symphony. There is the Royal Opera House at Covent Garden. The standard of its performances is very high. One of the most famous ballet companies is the Royal Ballet. It performs in London and sometimes in other British towns and all over the world. There are many orchestras, choirs and opera groups even in small towns. Many schools, too, have orchestras Theatre is a hobby of many people in all parts of Britain.

Cinema is also very popular in Great Britain. Its history goes back to the year 1930, when the first cinemas were built. When the television appeared in 1936, many cinemas became not popular and were closed. Nowadays there are cinemas in almost every city and town. The majority of films are Hollywood production. But young talented film writers, actors and producers unite their efforts to produce really good British films.


entertainment — развлечение

a choir — хор

an orchestra — оркестр

provincial — провинциальный

a performance — представление

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