Big cities of the USA: Cincinnati / Большие города США: Цинциннати

Текст средней сложности — Big cities of the USA: Cincinnati / Большие города США: Цинциннати

Cincinnati is Ohio's third largest city and second largest metro region in the United States of America. It lies on the north bank of the Ohio River in Southwest Ohio. Cincinnati is a distinctly Midwestern city. It's home to a remarkable blend of industry and architecture. Downtown Cincinnati is surrounded by picturesque foothills that add a beautiful backdrop to the Queen City and its legendary skyline.

Formerly known as Losantiville, the city was renamed Cincinnati by the first governor of the Northwest Territory, Arthur St. Clair, in honor of the Society of the Cincinnati. (A society named after Roman consul Cincinnatus and founded at the end of the Revolutionary War.) Many members of the Society were prominent men in the early years of the United States.

Cincinnati has a charming riverboat heritage. It dates back to the days when large, steam and paddle-wheel driven vessels were used to transport locally produced pork products. In recognition of this tradition, the city plays host to The Tall

Stacks Festival every four years. During this time the river front is transformed into a mass of color, with river boats of all shapes and sizes jostling for positions along the river banks.

Recently, Cincinnati has seen some large scale "revitalization" projects. Th include the construction of Great American Ballpark and Paul Brown Stadium and the reconstruction of Fountain Square in Cincinnati.

Great American Ballpark is a spot to hold a home game of the baseball team the Reds. The Cincinnati Reds were the first professional baseball team in the United States. They continue to be among the most popular teams of the city and the whole country. If you are a sports fan, then the Reds together with other Cincinnatians await you to visit them.


a metro region — metropolitan region — метропольный регион

foothills — предгорье

to be renamed — переименованный

a prominent man (men) — знаменитый человек; знаменитые люди

charming — чарующий

team and paddle-wheel vessels — пароходы и суда на гребных колесах

"revitalization" projects — проекты по восстановлению

a spot — место

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