Museums and art centres in Great Britain / Музеи и художественные центры в Великобритании

Текст средней сложности — Museums and art centres in Great Britain / Музеи и художественные центры в Великобритании

Britain is proud of its museums. The oldest museum in the world is situated in Oxford. The biggest museum in the world is the British Museum in London. The most famous British museums are situated in London. They contain some of the biggest collections of objects of artistic, archaeological, scientific, historical and general interest. They are the British Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Science Museum, the National Gallery, the Tate Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, the Geological Museum, the Natural History Museum. There are national museums and art galleries in Scotland. Wales, and Northern Ireland. Some of them are the National Museum of Wales in Cardiff, the Ulster Museum in Belfast.

But if you want to learn much about Great Britain in one day. you may visit the world's b.6gest museums, the British Museum. It is located in London and contains a magnificent library, which has one copy of every publication printed in Britain. There is also the manuscript room in the museum. Here you can see the Magna Charta and Scott's last diary, for example.

The Victoria and Albert Museum has a big collection of fine and applied art of all countries and periods. The most interesting are costume displays, the rooms of different historical periods and the best collection of English miniatures of the country. In the National Gallery there are over 30 rooms and lectures are given regularly by experts. It also includes the largest collection of Rembrandts outside Holland.

The National History Museum contains the national collections of plants and animals. You may see also living plants and animals here. It also has collections of rocks, minerals and meteorites. The museum is over one hundred years old. Of great scientific and public interest are the Geological Museum, the National Maritime Museum, the London Museum and many others. Museums and art galleries in Great Britain are especially popular among tourist. They want to know more about the history of the country they visit. Over 68 million people a year attend about 2,000 museums and art galleries of the country each year.


to be proud of — гордиться

artistic — художественный

magnificent — огромный

applied art — прикладное искусство

to attend — посещать

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