Theatre and cinema in Great Britain / Театр и кино в Великобритании

Текст средней сложности — Theatre and cinema in Great Britain / Театр и кино в Великобритании

The roots of the modern English drama go back into the past. It has always been connected with literary traditions. There have always been dramas, which are based on works of Jane Austen, Gaskell and even Russian novels, such as "War and Peace", "Crime and Punishment". But the English stage of the 20th century has produced theatrical rather than literary drama. Bernard Shaw was one of the first who wrote intellectual drama among his most important plays are "Candida", "Caesar and Cleopatra", "Man and Superman" "Pygmalion" and others.

John Galsworthy is another brilliant representative of the English drama of the 20th century. His serious and emotional plays "The Silver Box", "Justice", "Escape" were the best of their kind and are still popular among the English play-going public. Among modern English playwrights are John Osborn, Robert Bolt, David Story, Edmund Bond and others.

There are many good theatres in Great Britain. Some of them are situated even in provincial cities and towns. But London is the theatrical centre. There are about more than 50 theatres in the West End and in the suburbs of the city. Outside London a few large towns have theatres, in which plays before opening in London are performed. The most famous theatres in London are the National Theatre, Royal Court Theatre and Mermaid Theatre, which put on modern plays. There is the National Youth Theatre. All its members are young people. It produces plays at home and abroad during the summer. Albert Hall in London is world-famous for its concerts. Among the first-class orchestras are BBC Symphony and London Symphony. One of the most famous ballet companies is the Royal Ballet. Many of British professional companies perform in London and sometimes in other British towns and all over the world.

Cinema has been popular in Britain since 1930, when the first cinema was built. At that time cinemas were the most impressive of all buildings in the streets of many towns. Many of the first films were imported from America. Some films were shot in Britain but often with American money. Nowadays British cinematography produces films, TV plays, serials and documentaries. But young talented film writers, actors and producers unite their efforts to produce really good British films, like "Room at the Top", "Look Back in Anger"


"Crime and Punishment" — «Преступление и наказание»

"Pygmalion" — «Пигмалион»

a representative — представитель

 cinematography — кинематография

a documentary — документальный фильм

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