Travelling around Great Britain / Путешествие по Великобритании
Now the time to start planning your holiday. Whether you are a couple, a family or want to go somewhere new, choose Britain as you travelling compass. There are numerous roads that lead to many unheard of places in Britain. If it is difficult for you to decide which roads to take, select those that will bring you to County Wicklow, Kent and Sherwood Forest
Head down to County Wicklow. An hour's drive from central Dublin and you are in the wild and wonderful countryside of Wicklow. This area offers you majestic mountains and endless winding lanes. Dedicated ramblers can stride along the Wicklow Way, Ireland's first designated long distance walk. It starts at Marlay Park in Dublin and ends 82 miles later at Clonegal. The Wicklow coast has a string of long sandy beaches. They include the glistening stretch at Brittas Bay near Arklow. But it is the peaceful charms of the interior which really make this a memorable place to visit.
Enjoy rural fun in Kent. Kent is one of Britain's sunniest spots. With 4,000 varieties of fruit grown in this region, it is also a mecca for lovers of British food. Here you may visit Leeds Castle. Even teenagers should be impressed by this fairy-tale castle, because it dates back to Norman times. You can also go to the Hop Farm Country Park. The Park has farm houses and they make it a museum. It's ideal for younger children, for they will love dressing up as storybook characters.
The famous storybook character, Robin Hood, invites you to stay in Sherwood Forest. Visit Center Parcs' Sherwood Forest resort and you'll stay in the heart of this natural wilderness. The comfortable and well-equipped villas are set away from the road. The vast swimming pool, complete with water slides, is a big favourite with visitors. Other activities include rock climbing, bowling, badminton and tennis. There is a man-made beach on the lake, a great play park and a spa offering beauty treatments. Relax in the spa, while the rest of the family enjoy the thrills of the water slides.
To crown it all, the roads to County Wicklow, Kent and Sherwood Forest are always open. Maybe it is high time you started walking along them?
many unheard of places — много неслыханных мест
endless winding lanes — бесконечные извилистые поля
to stride along smth — шагать вдоль чего-то
the glistening stretch — сверкающий участок
the sunniest spot — самое солнечное мест
storybook characters — герои из сказок или других книжных историй
a resort — курорт
the natural wilderness — природная (естественная) пустыня, пустынное место
water slides — водные горки
beauty treatments — процедуры по уходу за телом