Education in the USA: international student enrollment / Образование в США: Прием иностранных студентов

Текст выше средней сложности — Education in the USA: international student enrollment / Образование в США: Прием иностранных студентов

The number of non-U.S. students enrolled in U.S. higher education institutions during the 2006—2007 academic year rose by 3 percent to a total of 582,984. As the Institute of International Education's (IIE) 2007 reports, new international enrollments rose sharply. "The continued growth in international student enrollments comes as good news" said Constantine W. Curris, president of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU).

For the sixth year in a row, the University of Southern California in Los Angeles leads U.S. institutions in international student enrollment (7,115), with Columbia University in New York coming in second (5.937). Other campuses in the top 10 are New York University in New York (5,827), the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (5,685), Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana (5,581), University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan (5,429), the University of Texas at Austin (5,303), Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts (4,514) Boston University in Boston (4,484), and the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia (4,484).

The State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) funds the annual Open Doors study. It is based on a survey of nearly 3,000 accredited U.S. educational institutions by IIE, a non-profit educational and cultural exchange organization based in New York City. According to Open Doors 2007, the top 10 fields of study for international students in the United States in 2006—2007 were business and management (18 percent of total), engineering (15 percent) and physical and life sciences (9 percent), social sciences (8 percent), mathematics and computer sciences (8 percent), fine and applied arts (5 percent) health professions (5 percent), intensive English language (4 percent), education (3 percent) and humanities (3 percent). Fields growing the fastest in popularity were intensive English language (up 30 percent) and social sciences (up 6 percent).

"International students contribute both global awareness and cultural diversity on our college and university campuses. In doing so, they are an important part of enhancing our students' education. AASCU institutions are strongly committed to providing a welcoming environment for international students", said Constantine W. Curris.


to raise sharply — резко возрасти

for some years in a row — несколько лет подряд

international student enrollment — зачисление, прием иностранных студентов

a survey — опрос, обзор, исследование

humanities — гуманитарные науки

global awareness — осведомленность об окружающем мире

cultural diversity — культурное разнообразие

to enhance education — повышать уровень образования

to be committed to doing smth — преданный чему-либо (какому-либо делу)

a welcoming environment — приветливое: дружеское окружение

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