Theater art in the USA / Театральное искусство в США

Текст выше средней сложности — Theater art in the USA / Театральное искусство в США


Founded in 1982, The Joyce Theater was created by dancers for dance. The Joyce owes its existence to many dedicated and courageous individuals. Foremost among them is LuEsther T, Mertz whose leadership support from the outset and her sustained commitment made the Theater and its programs popular in the United States. In appreciation of her generosity, the Theater was named after her daughter, Joyce.

In 1996, The Joyce Theater Foundation also purchased Joyce SoHo. Once a three-story firehouse, Joyce SoHo is beautifully equipped with two dance studios for rehearsals. On the third story there is another studio and a performance space, complete with 74 seats, lighting and a box office.

In 2001, the Stephen and Cathy Weinroth Fund for New Work was established. The Joyce Theater announced the 25 dance companies that will be awarded $25,000 each in commissioning grants to help fund the creation of new work to be performer at The Joyce Theater. The dance community has rarely experienced such an infusion of resources for the sole purpose of development of new work.

Nowadays, through the Stephen and Cathy Weinroth Fund, selected dance artists receive commissioning support that ranges from $5,000 to $25,000. Additional grants of $1,000 to $5,000 may be made tor works to be performed at Joyce SoHo. There are seven Joyce-commissioned works that will be featured during the 2007—2008 season. They include new works performed by Elisa Monte Dance, Garth Fagan Dance, Molissa Fenley and Dancers, Evidence, A Dance Company, Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santana and Hubbard Street Dance Chicago.

The Joyce is considered one of the premiere performance venues for dance. It attracts an annual audience of more than 140.000. The Joyce has welcomed over 270 New York City-based, national and international dance companies to its stage. The Theater programs embrace the entire spectrum of movement styles and traditions, from the time-honored to the untried. They are designed to encourage, sustain, and educate a diverse audience. It would be difficult to imagine the dance world today without The Joyce Theater.

On June 1, 2007 The Joyce Theater celebrated its 25th Anniversary. It marks 25 years of supporting dance artists and audiences. The Joyce was celebrating not only in New York City, but in cities across the United States. The Theater dancers were visiting Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, and some other cities. To honor this landmark achievement, the Board and staff have created programs that thank the dance makers and audiences. In addition, all tickets to Sunday evening performances during the 2007—2008 Season will cost only $25.


to owe one's existence to smb/smth — быть обязанным кому-то за чье-либо существование

foremost among smb — в первую очередь; самый первый среди кого-либо

one's sustained commitment — чья-либо безграничная преданность

to commission grants — выдавать денежные гранты; вознаграждать деньгами

an infusion of resources — поток (вливание) средств

the premiere performance venue (s) — место проведения высококлассных представлений

to embrace smth — включать что-либо; охватывать что-либо

a landmark achievement — выдающееся достижение

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