Ukrainian diaspora (Canada) / Украинская диаспора (Канада)

Текст выше средней сложности — Ukrainian diaspora (Canada) / Украинская диаспора (Канада)

The first Ukrainian immigrants to Canada were Ivan Pylypow and Wasyl Eleniak, who arrived in 1891 and brought several families to settle in 1892. Pylypow helped to found the Edna-Star Settlement, the first and largest Ukrainian settlement. But it was Dr Josef Oleskow who is considered responsible for the large Ukrainian Canadian population by promoting Canada as a destination for immigrants from Western Ukraine (Galicia and Bukovina), in the late 1890s. Ukrainians from Eastern Ukraine, which was ruled by the Russian monarchy, also came to Canada, but in smaller numbers than those from Galicia and Bukovina.

As Galicia and Bukovina are wooded areas, upon arriving Canada, the settlers often demanded wooded land from officials so that they would be able to supply their own needs, even if this meant taking land that was less productive for crops. They also attached deep importance to settling near to family, people from nearby villages or other culturally similar groups, furthering the growth of the settlements. By 1914, there were also growing communities of Ukrainian immigrants in eastern Canadian cities, such as Toronto, Montreal, Hamilton, and Windsor. Many of them arrived from the provinces of Podilla, Volyn, Kyiv and Bessarabia in Russian Ukraine. In the early years of settlement Ukrainian immigrants faced considerable amounts of discrimination at the hands of native-born Canadians Since World War II, most Ukrainians coming to Canada have tended to move to cities in the East, and there are now large Ukrainian communities in Toronto and Montreal.

Having been separated from Ukraine, Ukrainian Canadians have developed their own distinctive Ukrainian culture in Canada. To show their unique hybrid culture Ukrainian Canadians have created such institutions of Ukrainian Canadian culture -Edmonton's Shumka Dance Ensemble, which is among the world's elite Ukrainian dancers. Ukrainian Canadians have also contributed to Canadian culture. Actress and comedienne Luba Goy, painter William Kurelek, for example, are well known outside the Ukrainian community. In addition to the official English and French, many public schools offer Ukrainian language education for children. Generally this is the local Canadian Ukrainian dialect, rather than Standard Ukrainian.


a settlement — поселение

a destination — место назначения

crop — урожай

distinctive — отличительный

an addition — дополнение

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