Welcome to Ukraine / Добро пожаловать в Украину

Текст выше средней сложности — Welcome to Ukraine / Добро пожаловать в Украину

One of the ways to get to know a country is to visit it, get acquainted with its traditions and character. Would you like to see multi-coloured Ukrainian dresses? Would you like to take part in the oldest Ukrainian customs and traditions? Would you like to have a rest by the sea, in the mountains, in the forest or in a valley? Then a visit to Ukraine is a must with you!

You'll never regret if you visit this beautiful European country, which is located in the south-western part of Europe. The territory of Ukraine is 603,700 square kilometers. It stretches from the Carpathian Mountains to the Don steppes and from Chernigov forests to the Black Sea. Travelling along Ukraine, you'll notice that every village and town, every region, every part of Ukraine has a charm of their own. The eastern part of Ukraine is famous for its industrial cities (e.g. Kharkov, Donetsk, a coal-mining centre, Dnepropetrovsk, a large metallurgical centre), old industries, such as coal-mining and metallurgy and new high-technology industries.

Ukrainians have always been a very hospitable nation. It is difficult to resist the temptation of taking part in joyful and sometimes noisy celebrations with songs, unique Ukrainian cuisine, bright colours and emotions. Some of the oldest tradition and rituals, held in the western part of Ukraine, in the Carpathians, attract a lot of tourists all the year round. Once you've visited Ukrainian mountains, you'll dream about seeing them again. This is true also about the Crimean Mountains in the South of Ukraine. Together with the Black Sea, they create a romantic atmosphere, which attracts a lot of people, especially in summer.

Visiting Ukraine would be incomplete without seeing the treasures of its heart -Kiev The Dnieper ancient churches and monuments, parks, museums and galleries will make your visit to Ukraine and its capital unforgettable!


multi-coloured — разноцветный

customs and traditions — обычаи и традиции

to stretch — протягиваться

a hospitable nation — гостеприимный народ

to resist the temptation — устоять перед искушением

Ukrainian cuisine — украинская кухня

a romantic atmosphere — романтическая атмосфера

incomplete — неполный

treasure (s) — богатства

unforgettable — незабываемый

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