Christmas traditions / Рождественские традиции

Короткий диалог ниже средней сложности — Christmas traditions / Рождественские традиции

— Hello. Tanya!

— Nice to see you, Sveta! Are you going to take part in Christmas caroling this year?

— Of course, that's my favourite tradition! I like to sing Christmas songs and wish the master of the house health and good luck!

— I like it too. But I also like vertep. I always have a lot of fun and I like to bring fun to other people.

— Yes, it is often very funny. And we always receive a lot of sweets and cakes for our singing.

— Well, that is also a tradition to give small sweet presents to those, who bring happiness and good luck to the house.

— I like all Christmas traditions, kutia is one of my favourite dishes. But we eat it according to the tradition only twice a year.

— I like kutia too. It usually takes me a lot of time to prepare 12 symbolic dishes for Christmas Eve.

— This tradition is connected with 12 apostles. I think about their deeds, when I prepare the dishes.

— O.K. We have several days for preparation. So, see you on Christmas Eve!

— See you later!

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