Training Good Manners / Обучение хорошим манерам

Короткий диалог ниже средней сложности — Training Good Manners / Обучение хорошим манерам

Agent: Good morning. Tulsa Attractions!

Michael: I'd like to book two tickets for next week. For River Boat cruise, please.

Agent: Ok When?

Michael: Next Thursday.

 Agent: Sorry?

Michael: Thursday.

Agent: I'm sorry, sir. Is that Tuesday the first or Thursday the third?

Michael: Thursday the third.

Agent: Right. And what time would you like?

Michael: In the evening.

Agent: As it is winter, the last trip is at 7pm. Is that OK with you?

Michael: Yes, thanks.

Agent: Very good. Let me put you on hold, for a moment please.

Michael: Take your time. Thank you.

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