Visiting a friend in Edinburgh / В гостях у друга в Эдинбурге

Короткий диалог ниже средней сложности — Visiting a friend in Edinburgh / В гостях у друга в Эдинбурге

— Hello, Yura! I am glad to see you again in my native city, Edinburgh.

— I am also glad to be again in the capital of Scotland. I find this city one of the most beautiful in the country.

— It is also one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Would you like to have a cup of tea?

— Oh, thank you!

— We are now in the Princes Street and may have a cup of tea in one of its gardens.

— Near the monument to Walter Scott, the famous writer of historical novels.

— He is my favourite writer. Not far from here is the National Gallery of Scotland. If you wish, we may visit it today.

— O.K. But I also would like to see the Castle. I have heard a lot about it.

— It is one of the most famous places of historical interest of the city. The son of Mary Queen of Scots, the future King James I, was born here.

— That's very interesting. Let's visit it today.

— O.K. It is not far from the Prince's Street.

— Let's go there!

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