A TV Music Show Brent: What's on NBS tonight? / В телевизионном музыкальном шоу Брент

Короткий диалог средней сложности — A TV Music Show Brent: What's on NBS tonight? / В телевизионном музыкальном шоу Брент

Linda: As far as I remember, there is some music show at 8 pm.

Brent: Have you seen the TV Guide?

Linda: It's over there, on the table.

Brent : Thanks. (Scanning the TV Guide) Oh, Linda, the TV show at 8 pm, it is the Symphony music show.

Linda: Really? I wonder, if that is the one Tory told me about the other day.

Brent: What did she tell you about it?

Linda: If this is the Symphony music show Tory told me about, the prominent symphony orchestras of the country will be performing there.

Brent. How cool is that! I wish there were the Boston Symphony Orchestra and the San Francisco Symphony. You know, I adore them.

Linda: Right. You call them your favorites in today's music culture of America.

Brent: OK, when did you say it is on tonight?

Linda: At 8 p.m. In an hour.

Brent: Great. Then I have just enough time to bring some Coke and ice-cream for us.

Linda: Good idea! I'll prepare some quick meal for us.

Brent: Wonderful! And off I go.

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