My family album / Мой семейный альбом

Диалог средней сложности — My family album / Мой семейный альбом

Is this a photo of your family? You seem to have quite a big family!


Yes, if you have time, I'll show you my family album. These are my parents. They are students in this photo. 


Did they get acquainted at the university?


Yes, they are both doctors. But my mother is not working now. She is a housewife. And my father works as a surgeon in hospital.


And who is this little girl? Is she your sister Mary?


Yes, she is only 5 here. Now she is 30. She is married and has a son.


What is it like to be an uncle?


I love spending time with my nephew. He is sometimes naughty, but very smart and lovely!


I see there are a lot of family photos in the album. Do you often gather together?


Rather often. My sister and my grandmothers live in the same town. They often visit us. This is one of the recent photos of the whole family.


Judging by it, your family is very friendly and united. And you really look very much alike!

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