T. Shevchenko, a Ukrainian Genius / Т. Шевченко, украинский гений

Короткий диалог средней сложности — T. Shevchenko, a Ukrainian Genius / Т. Шевченко, украинский гений

— Hello, Olya!

— Nice to see you, Vadim! What are you doing in the library

— I have to write a report about an outstanding Ukrainian.

— That's really a difficult choice! There are so many interesting personalities in the Ukrainian history, who became world-famous!

— I think the most famous among them is T. Shevchenko. He is considered to be a Ukrainian genius.

— I agree with you. Besides, his own life and views are very interesting. Do you know anything about his life and his poetry?

— I know, he began to write in Ukrainian in 1838. And two years later his famous book "Kobzar" appeared.

— That is really an amazing fact! I also know, his friends decided to buy his freedom for 2 500 roubles.

— Yes, and after that he continued his studies at Petersburg Academy of Arts.

— And I know that Karl Bryullov was one of his close friends and influenced Shevchenko greatly.

— His close friends also were well-known Russian writers N. Chernyshevskyi, N. Dobrolubov, N. Nekrasov and others.

— You really know much about T. ShevchenKo. I am sure you will receive a good mark for your report! I wish you good luck!

— Thank you for your help!

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