A Busy Week / Напряженная неделя
Jane: That ice-show that we wanted to see, dad. It's on this week in Aberdeen.
Father: Good. Well, we can't go on Saturday because we are visiting Aunt Margaret. We planned that a long time ago. Let's go on Friday.
Jane: I'm having tea at Alison's home on Friday. She invited me yesterday. And on Thursday I'm going to the Youth Club. What about Wednesday?
Father: No, I'm working late on Wednesday because I'm giving a report on Thursday. Have you got any plans for Tuesday?
Jane: On Tuesday we are having a drama practice at school.
Father: And tomorrow I'm going to school. There's a parents' evening.
Jane: Oh yes. Well, are you doing anything this evening?
Father: No, I'm not doing anything special.
Jane: Let's go this evening, then.
Father: Fine, let's go.