Nice to meet you / Приятно познакомиться

Диалог выше средней сложности — Nice to meet you / Приятно познакомиться

Hello! My name is Mariya.


Nice to meet you Mariya! I am Anya.


How long have you been in Turkey?


One week. And you?


Just 3 days. It is the first time I have been here. But I like the people and the nature here.


I also like visiting new places and meeting new people. That's a hobby of my whole family.


Do you have a big family?


I live with my parents and a sister. We are twins. We do not only look very much alike, but also have similar interests — sports and music. And you?


I live with my husband and our child. I study at the university and have to take care of my family. I hardly have time for my interests. But on weekends we often go for a walk together and have a lot of fun.


I see, you have a friendly family. As for me, I usually go for a walk with my friends or my boyfriend. We enjoy going along the streets, talking about our plans for the future. He has come with me! I may introduce him to you!


It would be great!

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My plans for the future

Короткий диалог выше средней сложности — My plans for the future: first family, then career / Мои планы на будущее: сначала семья, потом карьера

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Taras Shevchenko

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N. Gogol, a Russian writer / Н. Гоголь, русский писатель

N. Gogol

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