Problem of AIDs in Ukraine / Проблема СПИДа в Украине

Короткий диалог выше средней сложности — Problem of AIDs in Ukraine / Проблема СПИДа в Украине

— Hello, Misha!

— Nice to see you, Vova! Where are you going?

— We have a meeting in the "Young Scientists' Council" of our university. We will discuss our latest research at the university.

— And what the topic of your research work?

— Well, it is connected with the problem of AIDs among the young people of


— I think, it is one of the most burning problems in Ukraine. My social work also connected with it.

— Do you work with young people, who have AIDs?

— Yes, that's a part of my work. I think, it is always a tragedy. We should do everything to prevent other young people from mistakes and help those, who are already in a difficult situation.

— I agree with you. I think you also could come to our meeting and tell us what you know about the problem.

— I will readily come and tell you a lot of interesting information in this field.

— See you later then!

— See you later!

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