The Millennium games

Небольшой текст для 7 класса — The Millennium games

I'm having a great time here in Sydney. The different sports are exciting, and there are lots of other exciting things too. For example the mascots are really great! They are called Olly, Syd and Millie. They are Australian ' animals and they are the symbols of the Sydney Games. The kookaburra is an Australian bird. She got her name, Olly, from the word 'Olympics'. She's a symbol of friendship and honesty. Then there's Syd (from Sydney). He's a platypus with a duck's nose. He's the symbol of the city of Sydney and its people. The third mascot is Millie. She's an Australian animal - an echidna. She's the symbol of the new millennium. So now I've got a mascot too. He's called Ozzie (from Aus­tralia) and he's a cute, cuddly koala.

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The Millennium games

The Millennium games

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