British TV / Британский ТВ

Текст ниже средней сложности — British TV / Британский ТВ

Television plays an important role in life of people all over the world. It informs about different events that take place in the world. It also entertains and helps to change everyday life for the better. Television is among most popular hobbies in Britain. Most families have TV-sets and watch TV about 4 hours a day. The two biggest TV companies in Great Britain are the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), and the Independent Television Authority (ITA).

The BBC Television has programmes mainly for schools, women and children. All BBC programmes for each week you can find in the BBC's magazine, The Radio Times. In 1955 the first regular independent television (ITV) service appeared by a programme transmission from the ITA stations. The ITV programmes are mainly entertainment programmes, plays and serials, discussions, sport, films, and children's religious and educational programmes.

The BBC and the ITA have many religious programmes. There are also many programmes on the arts, children's and family programmes, interviews with famous people, international, national and local news. The ITA and the ITV programmes are often interrupted by advertising. Many people do not like it and often criticize it. The BBC programmes have no advertising. They attract many people, especially children. The discussion about advertising on TV continues, but British people watch TV with pleasure It helps them to learn the latest news in their country and abroad, receive useful information and a lot of fun.


to entertain — развлекать

a magazine — журнал

independent — независимый

advertising — реклама

to criticize — критиковать

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