Contemporary visual art in America / Современное визуальное искусство в Америке

Текст ниже средней сложности — Contemporary visual art in America / Современное визуальное искусство в Америке

Once it was possible to sum up trends in American art with a few phrases, like "abstract, gestural painting" or "return to figuration" Today it is much more difficult to define the dominant approach in American art. In part, because art has changed, in part because the world has changed. Nevertheless, there are sets of tendencies that art is following now.

Contemporary American visual art is no longer a simple matter of geography, national origin, or point of view. Instead, the globalization of markets, the ease of international communication, and the constant movement of artists from one country to another, have all contributed to the world of visual art. It is common for artists to list multiple countries as their home. For example, in New York recently there has been an exhibition of visual art that comprised artists from Cuba, China, Nigeria and some other countries.

The evaporation of the borders between nations, at least in the field of art, mirrors the disappearance of all kinds of other boundaries as well. Hardly anyone in America worries about the unique characteristics of painting any more. Just as American artists hopscotch around the globe, they deal with all kinds of the media effortlessly. Thus, they produce visual work that incorporates not only traditional materials. But also digital technology, theatrical installation, photography, performance, music, film and video, etc.

In a nutshell, visual art in America doesn't include pure American style only. Due to the disappearance of the borders between nations and art traditions, American artists today integrate science, politics, architecture, theatrical installation, photography, video ana music into their works.

(Adapted from "Arts in America")


the ease of international communication — простота в международном общении

to contribute to smth — сделать вклад во что-либо

to list multiple countries — составлять большой список стран

the evaporation of the borders — нивелирование границ

to mirror the disappearance — отражать исчезновение

to hopscotch around the globe — передвигаться по земному шару (подобно игре в классики)

effortlessly — без усилий, непринужденно

in a nutshell — вкратце

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