Go international or stay at home? / Путешествовать или остаться дома?

Текст ниже средней сложности — Go international or stay at home? / Путешествовать или остаться дома?

Americans are always on the move. They drive their cars every day. Every other day or month they fly to another state in America or fly overseas. And no matter whether Americans go international or stay at home, which is flying to another corner of the US, their top priority will be looking good after a flight.

"Everything about an airplane", says Amber Valetta, a model and an actress, "is stale: the air, the water, and your skin and hair after you land. But even if you feel like crashing, you don't have to look like it." Instead, Amber gives the following flying tips:

Prepare the hair. It's best to travel with clean, dry hair. Mist it with leave-in conditioner in the morning, and then coil it into a bun to keep it off your face during the flight, leave loose, smooth waves afterward.

Dress the part. Wear something in a fabric that is loose and won't wrinkle — definitely no linen or silk.

Watch the cart. Drink eight ounces of water for every hour you are in the air. Never drink alcohol and have a Coke very rarely.

Lay it on thick. Fly with nothing on your face, but eye cream, or a rich moisturizer, lip balm, and reapply when you feel dry.

Freshen up. Just before landing, wake up your skin with toner, moisturizer and creamy concealer.

If you have followed Amber's flying tips, just before landing look into the mirror. Your reflected face will tell you: "Yeah, you look pretty!"

(Adapted from "Glamour", Aug 2003)


to be on the move — быть в движении

to fly overseas — лететь за рубеж, за границу

top рriority — самое главное

stale — избитое, устаревшее приевшееся

to coil hair into a bun — свернуть волосы в пучок

a fabric — ткань, материал

a rich moisturizer — большое количество увлажняющего крема; интенсивный увлажняющий крем

a creamy concealer — крем, маскирующий следы усталости на лице

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