Holidays in Ukraine / Праздники в Украине

Текст ниже средней сложности — Holidays in Ukraine / Праздники в Украине

The Ukrainians as any other people have their own traditions and holidays. Some of them are very old, some appear nowadays. One of the most popular holidays in Ukraine is the New Year Day. It is celebrated on the first of January. On the day before every family decorates a New Year's Tree with shining balls and boys. The adults prepare holiday dinners at home or go to New Year's parties. Friends and relatives, exchange presents on this day and say to each other "Happy New Year It is the time of joy and hopes for the better future. Small children dream about a big and beautiful present that they will find in the morning under the New Year's Tree.

A week later on the 7th of January is Orthodox Christmas. The evening before is called the Holy Evening. It is the family holiday. There are many old Ukrainian traditions that are connected with Christmas. Among them are Christmas songs and traditional Christmas dishes. As for me, my favourite holiday is on the 14th of February. It is called St. Valentine's Day. It is the day of love. On this day I tell my family and friends how much I love them. Sometimes, I give them small presents. I usually celebrate the holiday with my boyfriend.

At the beginning of spring, on the 8th of March another popular holiday is celebrated. It is the Women's Day. It is the day when we thank our women for everything they do for us at home and at work. We congratulate them and give flowers and presents. There is another popular holiday in spring. It is Easter This is the day to stop and think about our deeds and what we may do to improve ourselves and the world around us. It is the holiday of hope and expectations. In summer there are two big holidays: the Day of Constitution on the 28th of June and Independence Day on the 24th of August. These holidays are also connected with our hopes for the better future of our country and our own lives.


an adult — взрослый

Orthodox — православный

the Holy Evening — Святвечер

a dish — блюдо

to celebrate — праздновать

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