My Going to the Theatre - Поездка в театр

Топик ниже средней сложности — My Going to the Theatre - Поездка в театр

I should say that it is impossible not to love theatre. It shows us how beautiful, strong and clever people are, how wonderful and interesting life is. That's why it is almost impossible to get tickets when a good play is on. You have to buy tickets beforehand either at the box-office of the theatre itself or at one of the agencies.

When you go to the theatre you should know that the best seats are those in the stalls, the circle and the upper circle. Then comes the pit and last of all the gallery where the seats are the cheapest. Boxes, of course, are the most expensive. It is true to every theatre where you can see opera, ballet, comedy, drama, musical comedy or a variety show. Most theatres and music-halls have good orchestras with popular conductors. So if you have chosen a good play you will enjoy it thoroughly from the moment the curtain goes up to the end of the last act.

Frankly speaking, the same was with me when I saw «Swan Lake» by Pyotr Ilyitch Chaykovsky, the great Russian composer. I had heard a lot about the «Swan Lake» and was eager to see it. Once I learnt that the ballet would be on at our Opera and Ballet House. But I was in doubt whether I could get tickets as the house is usually sold long before the performance. Luckily, I managed to get two tickets to the evening performance.

Long before the performance I and my friend were at the theatre impatiently waiting for the beginning of the ballet. The audience came and all the seats were engaged though the house held very many people.

Soon the lights went down, the curtain rose and we caught our breath when we saw a lake in the moonlight and tender sounds of music touched our ears. From that time on we couldn't take our eyes off the stage where delicate > charming «swans» were flying in their wonderful dance. I was absolutely thrilled with the dance of the «black swan», treacherous and beautiful. It goes without saying, that the actress dancing the leading part was at her best and captivated the audience. We couldn't help admiring the selfless fight of love against evil and witchcraft.

When the final curtain fell and the lights went up the theatre burst into stormy applause. Curtain call followed curtain call. The performance was a success indeed and it left an unforgettable impression on me. 

Chaykovsky created «Swan Lake» in 1876. And there is no one who is indifferent to this masterpiece. Perhaps, it is because the musician of genius Chaykovsky had a rare gift of responding with his heart to sufferings and joys of all people.

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