Holidays in Ukraine / Праздники в Украине

Текст средней сложности — Holidays in Ukraine / Праздники в Украине

Every nation has its own traditions and holidays, which are connected with its dwelling. But a lot of holidays are international and bring a lot of joy and fun to people all over the world. One of such holidays is the New Year's Day. On this day millions of people in our country and abroad wish each other a happy new year, full of joy and success. The day before it is connected with a pleasant tradition to decorate a New Year's Tree with shining balls and toys, give presents and cook a holiday dinner for family and friends. One more family holiday is Christmas. In Ukraine it celebrated on the 7th of January. In Europe and in the USA Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December. Some traditions are different. In the English-speaking countries people exchange presents on that day. According to the religious tradition, there should be 12 symbolic dishes on the table. Families start celebrating on the evening before the holiday when the first star appears in the sky.

One of the most important holidays for young people is St. Valentine's Day. On is day people thank each other for love and support, exchange small presents and flowers. A Valentine card you receive on this day may tell you that someone is in love with you. Some people make a proposition on this day. It is the most romantic holiday of the year. When spring comes, another popular holiday is celebrated. It is the Women's Day. On this day women receive presents and flowers. Their families thank them for their support and for everything they do for them.

As for me my favourite spring holiday is Easter. It is connected with our hopes for the better. This is the time to think about our future. Many people go on the day before to church and listen to the service. They bring baskets with brightly painted eggs and a special Easter cake. They believe that Easter eggs and the Easter cake possess magic power and can protect them. In the morning after the end of the service, people return home for breakfast. They prepare holiday dishes and lay the table. It is a family holiday. We call or visit our relatives and wish them hope and love.

In summer there are two state holidays: the Day of Constitution, on the 28th of June and Independence Day on the 24th of August. On these holidays everyone hopes for the better future of our country. Usually they are celebrated with friends People can see the President on TV who addresses them with his congratulations. Young people usually organize a party and have a lot of fun. Some of them go out into the streets and the squares.


a dwelling — жилище, дом

to exchange — обмениваться

a proposition — предложение о женитьбе

a basket — корзина

congratulation — поздравление

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