My everyday meals / Мое ежедневное питание

Текст средней сложности — My everyday meals / Мое ежедневное питание

My name is Sergey. I am a university student. Every day I have three or four classes, so I do not usually have much time for meals. Cooking is not my hobby, I usually eat what my mother cooks for me or go to the student canteen. In the morning we gather together in our kitchen at 7 o'clock and have our breakfast. It is a family tradition. My mother lays the table. There are different kinds of sandwiches, sausages, bacon with eggs and jam. I often drink a cup of tea or coffee and eat a sandwich with butter and cheese.

As there is a student canteen at the university, I often go there for dinner after classes. There you may choose between different kinds of soup, meat and fish dishes and desserts. I often choose borsch for the first course and beefsteak for the second one. For dessert I often take stewed fruit or jelly. In our university canteen I usually have dinner with my friends. We may discuss our student life and make plans for the evening.

I often come home at about seven. As I am often hungry after a long day. I do not have a snack in the evening. My supper is a full meal. My mother usually cooks mashed potatoes with meat or sausages, and salads, of course. After supper I do my home work, play computer games and watch TV. Before going to bed I sometimes eat some fruit or drink fruit juice.


a canteen — столовая
for dessert — на десерт
stewed fruit — компот
a sandwich (es) — сандвич, бутерброд
bacon — бекон

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