Outstanding people of Ukraine / Выдающиеся люди Украины

Текст средней сложности — Outstanding people of Ukraine / Выдающиеся люди Украины

Ukraine has given the world many famous people. These people made a great contribution to the world's history, art and science. Great contribution to the world's historical science made Ukrainian historians M. Grushevskyi, M. Dragomanov, D. Yavornitskyi, M. Kostomarov and many others. Nowadays a lot of Ukrainian scientists achieve great success in the field of mathematics, physics, biology and medicine.

Famous Ukrainians have made their contribution into the history of art. The name of A. Dovzhenko is well-known to every Ukrainian. He was one of the founders of Ukrainian cinematography. The State Studio in Kiev bears his name. His «Earth» (1930) is among the best films of all times and peoples. It was considered to be one of the best at the Brussels World Exhibit in 1958.

But, perhaps, the most famous Ukrainian is T. Shevchenko. He was the founder of the Ukrainian literary language. When he was a boy, he was so talented, that several Russian artists decided to free him from slavery. His famous «Kobzar» was his first book of poems. It appeared in 1840. Two years before it Shevchenko wrote his first poems in Ukrainian. In his works he glorified the heroic struggle of Ukrainian people for their freedom. Many of his works are dedicated to unhappy love. His works depicted the life of Ukrainian people, their struggle for freedom, and their desire to be happy in their families.

One more famous representative of Ukrainian art was Ilia Repin. He was an outstanding painter, a full member of St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Many of his works show Ukraine, its people and its history. Among them there is the most famous painting «The Zhaporozhian Cossacks Write a Letter to the Turkish Sultan». He also panted many portraits of Russian and Ukrainian cultural figures. Among them were M. Kostomarov, T. Shevchenko and others. Ukrainian culture has always been famous for its talented people and their masterpieces.


contribution — вклад

slavery — рабство

to dedicate — посвящать

struggle — борьба

a representative — представитель

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