An episode from the history of Ukraine / Эпизод из истории Украины

Текст средней сложности — An episode from the history of Ukraine / Эпизод из истории Украины

Ukraine has a long history, which reflects numerous periods of its prosperity and decay. But the desire of Ukrainian people to be independent was kept through the passing centuries. The first attempt to achieve independence was made by Bohdan Khmelnitsky in 1648—1654. For the second time the Ukrainian state existed in 1918—1921 and its first president was the famous Ukrainian scientist Mikhail Grushevsky. The third attempt to become independent was made in 1991, after «Perestroika», which began in 1985.

In August 1991 the putsch took place. Ukraine and other republics proclaimed their independence. On the 24th of August 1991 the Supreme Court adopted the «Act of the Independence of Ukraine». It was a document of a great historical importance The 24th of August is celebrated as the national Ukrainian Independence Day. 90 % of the people voted for the independence of Ukraine in the all -Ukrainian referendum, which was held on the 1st of December 1991.

Many states of the world acknowledged the independence of Ukraine. It is a sovereign state, which established new relations with the countries throughout the world.


prosperity and decay — процветание и упадок

the putsch — путч

to proclaim — провозглашать

to adopt — принимать

to acknowledge — признавать

sovereign — суверенный

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