Travelling around the USA / Путешествие по США

Текст средней сложности — Travelling around the USA / Путешествие по США

Are you a travel-lover? Are you among those chosen few who are not afraid of experiencing various thrills? If you happen to be as such, then the state of Alaska calls your name for travelling there!

Alaska's exceptional natural beauty attracts many visitors, who seek adventure in the great outdoors. This beautiful state has wonderful wildlife and spectacular scenery. Summer and winter are very different. But both offer rare chances to embrace the natural world.

Are you still trying to make up your mind whether to go to Alaska or not? Then, probably, the list of things to do in Alaska will help you make the right choice. So, while in Alaska, you can:

  • visit Anchorage and the Alaska Native Heritage Center; join in with storytelling and dance, and hear natives describe their traditions;
  • take a bird watching tour with Anchorage Birding; travel in a small bus with an experienced birder for a four-hour tour;
  • take the Wildlife Express dome train to Seward, then do the Kenai Fiords day cruise sheep, bald eagles, kittiwakes and humpback whales;
  • visit Fairbanks for breakfast at McCafferty's on Cushman Street; then go on to the museum to discover Alaska's history and geology with interactive displays;
  • visit the Tanana Valley Farmers Market for skin preparations and Alaskan berry jams;
  • try Alaskan seafood gumbo, reindeer omelettes, delicious smoked salmon,
  • crab meat, home-baked cookies and refreshing Alaskan beer;
  • pop into Santa Claus House at the North Pole and delight in the year-round Christmas cheer.

Go on exploring Alaska!


to seek adventure — искать приключения

a native (s) — коренной житель

an experienced birder — опытный орнитолог

a sheep (мн. форма sheep) — овца

a kittiwake (s) — маевка

a humpback whale — горбатый кит

seafood gumbo — густой суп из морепродуктов

a reindeer omelette (s) — омлет из мяса северного оленя

delicious smoked salmon — очень вкусный копченый лосось

Christmas cheer — рождественское веселье, рождественское угощение

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