Ukrainian diaspora in the United Kingdom / Украинская диаспора в Великобритании

Текст средней сложности — Ukrainian diaspora in the United Kingdom / Украинская диаспора в Великобритании

Ukrainian diaspora in the United Kingdom

Ukrainians have lived in the United Kingdom since the late 18th century. The first documented evidence of Ukrainians in the UK was an entry in the Aliens Register in Salford of J. Koyetsky from Brody, Ukraine in 1897. Some 100 families settled in Manchester before WW I and in the post-war years a community centre was established. An Information Centre was founded in London and religious and cultural links established with Manchester. After the end of WW II, larger numbers of Ukrainians (mainly displaced persons from camps in Germany) arrived in the UK. Ukrainians were integrated into the UK as European Voluntary Workers, while Ukrainians from the Polish and German armies were also demobilized and settled in the major cities of the UK.

Although official figures are not available, the number of Ukrainians working in London is about 40,000, with possibly up to 100.000 Ukrainians in the UK as a whole. Many had to leave their family and friend. This is due to the collapse of the former Soviet Union. It has left the Ukrainian economy floundering and about 70 % of the population living in poverty. London has naturally the majority of Ukrainians; other cities with big Ukrainian communities include Bradford, Nottingham, Manchester and others. Among famous Britons with Ukrainian origin are Elena Baltacha, a tennis player, Sergei Baltacha, a footballer, Marina Lewycka, a novelist and others.


evidence — доказательство

an entry — запись

to establish — устанавливать, организовывать

major — главный

floundering — трудности

the majority — большинство

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