American pastime: Georgetown. District of Columbia / Джорджтаун. Федеральный округ Колумбия

Текст выше средней сложности — American pastime: Georgetown. District of Columbia / Джорджтаун. Федеральный округ Колумбия

Whether you enjoy shopping, dining or visiting historic sites and gardens, you will enjoy spending time in Georgetown in the District of Columbia. In this charming and picturesque Washington DC neighborhood, you'll find fascinating cultural attractions, trendy boutiques and hundreds of restaurants and bars. If you love shopping for art, antiques or the latest fashions, plan to spend a few hours on Wisconsin Ave. On a break from shopping, enjoy a meal at your choice of excellent restaurants and cafes in this vibrant part of Georgetown. After a rejuvenating lunch, shop on, or tour some of the fascinating cultural attractions in the neighborhood.

Anyone interested in architecture will appreciate touring the Georgetown Historic District. You'll see an incredible variety of architectural styles represented in a vast assortment of homes here. Georgian mansions, Queen Anne, Federal and Classical and Greek Revival structures are all located in the Historic District. You can also see Italiante Romanesque and row houses in Georgetown.

Many homes in Georgetown feature carefully landscaped and beautifully tended gardens. Several historic homes and gardens are open to public tours. The Old Stone house is a popular Colonial house museum you won't want to miss on your tour of Georgetown. This pre-Revolutionary home built in 1765 stands in stark contrast to the trendy shops and restaurants that surround it. Inside the Old Stone House, period-furnished rooms and artifacts recreate middle class colonial life. There is also a charming English-style garden to view outdoors.

Dumbarton Oaks is a popular Georgetown attraction that features a beautiful 10-acre garden. Garden rooms as well as terraces provide wonderful views of the garden area. Indoors, you can see a vast assortment of art and objects at the Museum, the majority of which date from the Federal Period. Paintings, furniture, ceramics and textiles are just a few of the types of items on display. There are over 1.000 items in the Dumbarton Oak's permanent collection, and travelling exhibits are also featured at the Museum.

After a day of shopping and sightseeing in Georgetown, you can enjoy the vibrant nightlife this town is known for. You can hear all types of live music, go dancing or nightclubbing, or just relax at a lively and fun bar or cafe. Whatever you're in the mood for, you're sure to find it on a night in Georgetown.


historic sites — исторические места

fascinating cultural attractions — изумительные достопримечательности

a rejuvenating lunch — подкрепляющий обед; питательный обед; обед, восстанавливающий силы и здоровье

in a vast assortment — в широком ассортименте

ceramics — изделия из керамики

vibrant nightlife — бурная ночная жизнь

to be in the mood for smth — предрасположен к чему-либо

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