Great Britain and Ukraine's culture ties / Культурные связи Великобритании и Украины

Текст выше средней сложности — Great Britain and Ukraine's culture ties / Культурные связи Великобритании и Украины

It sometimes seems as if the environmental problems in the world are huge, and the positive impact we can have as individuals are tiny. Ozone depletion, climate change, water pollution, specks extinction... The list is enough to make you want to go hide in the garden and forget about the cares of the world. Except the garden is in fact one place where you can make an immediate and positive contribution to the health of the planet.

These words have become a big challenge for Great Britain and Ukraine. "An immediate and positive contribution to the health of the planet", proclaimed in this challenge, was made in the format of a project. The British Council Ukraine and BP Company initiated the new project: Eco-friendly Gardening at the Age of Climate Change. The project was committed to interpreting gardening in a changing world, to bringing personal and social benefits of gardening in the climate change, to capturing the imagination of a diverse audience across the country, and to inspiring them to enhance, preserve, improve and regenerate their local environments. The garden is the natural place to start doing your bit to save the planet.

On the 18th of May 2008, Ecologically Friendly Gardening project culminated the final interactive show held in the territory of the State Academy for Managerial Personnel of Culture and Arts (The National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Preserve). Three finalists of the Best Eco-Friendly Garden design competition presented their gardens during the show. The programme of the show comprised the following activities:

  • master classes on ecologically friendly gardening by Ukrainian experts;
  • showcase of British films and video guides;
  • gourmet show and Signature cocktail;
  • exhibition on grass "50 Green Gardening Tips by British experts";
  • master-class on how to create a garden for butterflies and bees;
  • programme for children "Green Fingers", Potted Party, Tea Garden and much more.

The results of the competition were announced by Vasyl Chernets, Rector of the Academy, Irina Kovalchuk, Vice-President of "TNK-BP Commerce". Terry Sandell, Director of the British Council Ukraine, and Anatoly Zhyrnov, Director of the Institute of Landscape Design. The winners are: Yuliya Kushnir ("Friendly Garden"), Ganna Pryakhina ("Deni") and Oleksandr Kobyletsky ("New Breath"). They were enjoying the beauty of the best British gardens and Tatton Flower Show in July 2008.The show organising staff was also proud to present International Garden Photographer of the Year exhibition, sponsored by Worldwide Company Services Limited.


the environmental problems — проблемы окружающей среды

ozone depletion — истощение, уменьшение озонового слоя

water pollution — загрязнение воды (водоемов)

species extinction — вымирание биологических видов

to make an immediate and positive contribution to — внести незамедлительный и положительный вклад во что-то

to capture the imagination — занять, привлечь воображение

the National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Preserve - Национальный Киево-Печерский историко-культурный заповедник

gourmet-show — шоу гурманов, гурман-шоу

butterflies — бабочки

bees — пчелы

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