Holidays in Ukraine / Праздники в Украине

Текст выше средней сложности — Holidays in Ukraine / Праздники в Украине

There are many holidays in Ukraine. It is so pleasant to realize that each year starts with a holiday. It is the time to leave all the troubles forever and to look at the New Year with hope and expectations. This first holiday of the year is the New Year's Day. The preparation for the holiday starts already in November. Everyone thinks about the best present for their family and friends. Children wait for this holiday impatiently, as they hope to find under a decorated New Year's Tree a big and beautiful present, something they have dreamed about for a long time. Adults also have presents for each other, and wishes of a happy year, full of joy and success. The New Year comes at midnight on the 1st of January. This moment is considered to be a magic one. That's why people raise their glasses with champagne and say to each other «Happy New Year!». Some people celebrate the New Year on the 14th of January according to the old-style Calendar.

One more popular winter holiday is Christmas. As it is one of the oldest holidays in Ukraine, many old Ukrainian customs, which go back to centuries ago, are connected with Christmas. These are fortune telling, signing Christmas carols, cooking traditional Ukrainian Christmas dishes going to church service. Children go from house to house, and sing Christmas carols. They wish all the best to the people who live in these houses. Of course, the carol-singers receive a reward for their wishes — a little money, sweets or cakes.

When the spring comes, it always brings popular holidays. The first spring holiday is the Women's Day. It is the day of beauty and flowers. Women usually receive presents on this day. Their families thank them for their love and support during the year. There are also the Mother's Day and the Family Day in spring. They are celebrated in May and serve as one more reason for the members of the families to thank each other for understanding and support. But the most important spring holiday is Easter. Believers do not eat meat and animal products several weeks before the holiday. It is the time to stop and think about Jesus Christ's death tor our salvation and about what we have to do to improve ourselves.

In summer there are two state holidays: the Day of Constitution on the 28th of June and Independence Day on the 24th of August. These holidays are connected with a new era in Ukrainian history that has begun. Now Ukraine is an independent state with its own Constitution. And we all hope for the better. The Ukrainian President appears on TV with his words of congratulation for Ukrainian people.

The first day of autumn is also a holiday. We celebrate the Day of Knowledge. This day means a lot for those pupils who go to school for the first time with parents at their side. A small girl rings the bell, pupils enter their school and school year starts.  There are many other important holidays in Ukraine, which bring joy and hope for the better.


champagne — шампанское

fortune telling — гадание

Christmas carol — рождественская колядка

a believer — верующий

salvation — спасение

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