The state structure of America / Государственное устройство Америки

Текст выше средней сложности — The state structure of America / Государственное устройство Америки

The United States is a federal union of fifty states. The original thirteen states were the successors of the thirteen colonies that rebelled against the British rule. Most of the rest have been carved from territory obtained through war or purchase by the U.S. government. The exceptions are Vermont, Texas, and Hawaii; each was an independent republic before joining the union. Early in the country's history, three states were created out of the territory of existing ones: Kentucky from Virginia; Tennessee from North Carolina; and Maine from Massachusetts. West Virginia broke away from Virginia during the American Civil War. The most recent state — Hawaii — achieved statehood on August 21, 1959. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the states do not have the right to secede from the union.

The following regions have similar climate, geography, traditions, and history.

New England: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire. Rhode Island. Vermont;

Middle Atlantic: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania; South: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missou North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia;

Midwest: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio. South Dakota, Wisconsin;

Southwest: Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas;

West: Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada. Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming.

The states compose the vast bulk of the U.S. land mass. The only other areas considered integral parts of the country are the District of Columbia, the federal district where the capital, Washington,located; and Palmyra Atoll, an uninhabited but incorporated territory in the Pacific Ocean. The United States possesses five major territories with indigenous populations: Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands in the Caribbean; and American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands in the Pacific. Those born in the territories (except for American Samoa) possess U.S. citizenship.

Rank State Name Date of Union Entry

  1. Delaware December 7, 1787
  2. Pennsylvania December 12, 1787
  3. New Jersey December 18, 1787
  4. Georgia January 2, 1788
  5. Connecticut January 9, 1788
  6. Massachusetts February 6, 1788
  7. Maryland April 28, 1788
  8. South Carolina May 23, 1788
  9. New Hampshire June 21, 1788
  10. Virginia June 25, 1788
  11. New York. July 26, 1788
  12. North Carolina November 21, 1789
  13. Rhode Island May 29,1790
  14. Vermont March 4, 1791
  15. Kentucky June 1, 1792
  16. Tennessee June 1, 1796
  17. Ohio March 1, 1803
  18. Louisiana April 30, 1812
  19. Indiana December 11, 1816
  20. Mississippi December 10, 1817
  21. Illinois December 3, 1818
  22. Alabama December 14, 1819
  23. Maine March 15, 1820
  24. Missouri August 10 1821
  25. Arkansas June 15, 1836
  26. Michigan January 26 1837
  27. Florida March 3, 1845
  28. Texas December 29, 1845
  29. Iowa December 28, 1846
  30. Wisconsin May 29,1848
  31. California September 9, 1850
  32. Minnesota May 11,1858
  33. Oregon February 14, 1859
  34. Kansas January 29, 1861
  35. West Virginia June 20, 1863
  36. Nevada October 31, 1864
  37. Nebraska March 1, 1867
  38. Colorado August 1, 1876
  39. North Dakota November 2, 1889
  40. South Dakota November 2, 1889
  41. Montana November 8, 1889
  42. Washington November 11, 1889
  43. Idaho July 3, 1890
  44. Wyoming July 10, 1890
  45. Utah January 4, 1896
  46. Oklahoma November 16, 1907
  47. New Mexico January 6, 1912
  48. Arizona February 14, 1912
  49. Alaska January 3, 1959
  50. Hawaii August 21, 1959


a successor (s) — преемник, наследник

a purchase — покупка, приобретение

existing — существующий

not to have the right to secede from the union — не иметь права выходить из союза

to compose smth — составлять что-либо

integral parts of smth — неотъемлемые части чего-либо

an incorporated territory — присоединенная территория

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