Holidays - Праздники

Топик легкой сложности — Holidays - Праздники

I think all people like holidays, because they don't work and have a good time. They can visit their friends and relatives, invite guests and have a lot of fun.

There are many different holidays. On the first of January we celebrate New Year. On the seventh of January and the twenty-fifth of December we have Christmas. The twenty-third of February is the Day of the Defenders of the Motherland or the Army Day. On the eighth of March we congratulate our mothers, grandmothers, sisters and all the women with their holiday. Then comes Easter and Radonitsa. The first of May is the Labour Day. The ninth of May is Victory Day. The third of July is Independence Day. Then comes the seventh of November, the day of the October Revolution and so on.

But our favourite holidays are Christmas and New Year. They are full of magic, presents and hopes.

Every year we have a New Year tree and decorate it with toys, tinsel and coloured lights. We send and get many greeting cards. We buy and give presents to our dearest and nearest. I like to get presents. Last year my parents gave me a wonderful game and many tasty things as a present. Next year I would like to get a puppy, because I like pets and I want to take care of somebody. Puppies are so charming. I'm going to make something with my own hands for my Mum, Dad, Granddad and Granny.

We usually have a holiday supper with many tasty things. When the clock strikes twelve the grown-ups drink a toast to the New Year and wish «Happy New Year» to each other. Then we dance, sing songs, watch holiday TV or go for a walk and play games. I think it is the best holiday.

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