My flat - Моя квартира

Топик легкой сложности — My flat - Моя квартира

My name is Tanya. I live in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. I live in Gerasimenko street in a large nine-storeyed house. Our flat is on the eighth floor. Our flat is not large but it is very cosy. There are two rooms in our flat. There is a living- room and a bedroom in our flat. There is a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet there, too.

Our living-room is light and comfortable. There is only one window in it, but it's very large. There is modern furniture in our living-room. There is a wall-unit, a TV-set, a sofa, two armchairs and a table in the room. There is a large carpet on the floor. But there is no carpet on the wall. There are some pictures on the walls. I like to watch TV in the living-room and to play or talk with my parents in the evening there.

Our kitchen is small, but it is nice. There is a cooker there, a refrigerator, a table and four chairs. We have meals in the kitchen and my mother cooks tasty things there.

Our bathroom is clean and nice. We wash hands and face, clean teeth in the bathroom. There is a bath and a sink with hot and cold water taps there.

I like to be at home, to play, to read books. There are a lot of books in our flat. I help my parents about the house and our flat is always clean and nice. I think, there is no place like home.

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My flat - Моя квартира

My flat

Топик легкой сложности — My flat - Моя квартира