At a Restaurant in Cincinnati / В ресторане в Цинциннати

Короткий диалог средней сложности — At a Restaurant in Cincinnati / В ресторане в Цинциннати

Waiter: Good evening, sir. Here is the menu for you.

Chris: Good evening. Thank you...

Waiter: Are you ready to order now sir?

Chris: Yes. I'll have tomato soup, roast beef, mashed potatoes and pickles.

Waiter: That's tomato soup... roast beef... mashed potatoes... and pickles. How do you want the beef-rare, medium or well done?

Chris: Well done please.

Waiter: Anything to drink?

Chris: A Mountain Dew, please.

Waiter: Would you like coffee and desserts to follow the meal?

Chris: For later, please.

Waiter: Very good. Your order will be ready in a moment. Enjoy your time with us.

Chris: Thank you.

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