Ukrainians in England / Украинцы в Англии

Короткий диалог средней сложности — Ukrainians in England / Украинцы в Англии

— Hello, Galya!

— Hello, Olya!

— Where have you spent your summer holidays this year?

— Well, I have visited some of my relatives in England.

— Where do they live?

— They live in London. You know the biggest Ukrainian community is in London.

— I know that. In what other cities do Ukrainians live?

— In Bradford. Nottingham. Manchester and others. There are thousands of Ukrainians in the UK.

— I do not understand those, who have left Ukraine for Britain. I think it is very difficult to build a successful career in an alien country.

— It is not so. There are some famous Ukrainian Britons. Among them are Elena Baltacha, a tennis player, Sergei Baltacha, a footballer, Marina Lewycka, a novelist and others.

— Do you plan to emigrate to Britain as well?

— No, I will stay in Ukraine. I think there are many possibilities to build a successful career here.

— I agree with you.

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