In the student canteen / В студенческой столовой

Короткий диалог ниже средней сложности — In the student canteen / В студенческой столовой

Hello. Tanya!


Hello, Marina!


I often see you in the canteen. Do you usually eat here?


Yes, I do not have time to cook myself. Here I may choose what I like. And the price is reasonable.


I also often have my meals in the student canteen.


It is always full at dinner time. Students come here not only to eat, but also to discuss their student life.


Oh, you have made the same choice: borsch and fried fish with mashed potatoes!


That's what I usually choose here for dinner.


Do you also have your supper here?


I do not have supper at all. But before going to bed I often drink a glass of warm milk with biscuits or a cup of tea with honey.


Me too. It helps me to sleep well.

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