Popular London Museums / Популярные Музеи Лондона

Короткий диалог ниже средней сложности — Popular London Museums / Популярные Музеи Лондона

— Good morning, Sir! May I ask you a question?

— Of course!

— I came to London for two days and would like to visit its most famous museums.

— Oh, there are very many of them. I think you may visit the British Museum. It is one of the biggest.

— I know it is more than a hundred years old!

— Yes, it is. It was built in 1852. There is a big collection of Egyptian, Greek and Roman arts. The collections are arranged with great care, so everything is clear for the visitor

— I will visit this museum. I have also heard a lot about the National Gallery.

— It is situated in the centre of the city, in Trafalgar Square. It is one of the best picture collections in the world. You can see paintings from almost all over the world there. Some outstanding pictures of European masters, for example, the works by Rubens, Goya, and Leonardo da Vinci.

— Thank you for information!

— Have a nice stay in London!

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