Trip to Essex / Поездка в Эссексе

Короткий диалог ниже средней сложности — Trip to Essex / Поездка в Эссексе

Tom: Mary, I've been offered a trip to Essex. Would you like to go with me?

Mary: Of course, I would. I've heard so many stones about this county. For example did you know that Essex is the region where Constable and Gainsborough took the ideas for their masterpieces?

Tom: No, I didn't know that. You must know it because you are keen on painting and painters.

Mary: You are right. I believe this region is famous for some other reasons either.

Tom: Mr. Price, the man who is taking all of us to Essex, told that there you can see the history of England and whole Britain with your own eyes. He said, there are a lot of castles, old homes and some local history centres.

Mary: You make me feel like going there right now, Tom. This place is really the one we have to visit summer.

Tom: I guess, your point is true. We need to have some trips like this. So, shall I tell Mr. Price we are going to go?

Mary: Please, let him know. I'm looking forward to the trip.

Tom: O.K. I'll tell him in the morning.

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