A New Sports Centre / Новый спортивный центр
— Hello, Dima!
— Hello, Andrey!
— Did you know that a new sports centre is going to appear in our city?
— Yes, I knew that. I am going to play volleyball there.
— I hope to play on the same team, with you.
— We do sports for a long time. I am glad that new sports grounds, swimming pools and sports centres appear nowadays in every town.
— Sport is very popular in Ukraine today, especially among young people.
— That means that we will soon hear names of new world champions, who come from Ukraine.
— I am always very glad when our university team wins a competition. But I think most of young people do sports not for medal.
— I agree with you. They just want to keep fit and be more disciplined.
— That's what I like sports tor. It helps to be healthy and make new friends, who may be loyal to you for decades.
— Yes, let's hope, we are friends forever. We are used to helping each other in our volleyball team.