Let's make friends / Давайте дружить
Mariya | Hello! My name is Mariya. |
Sophia | Nice to meet you Mariya. I am Sophia. Where are you from? |
Mariya | I am from London. |
Sophia | Oh, really? London is my native town. I studied there at the university. Are you a student? |
Mariya | Yes, I am a prospective bookkeeper. I like my profession. |
Sophia | I am a bookkeeper too. I work in Canberra in a book store. |
Mariya | I often visit Canberra in order to buy the latest books of my favourite author Dariya Dontsova. |
Sophia | I have read some of her books. I like her style of writing. |
Mariya | We often read her books in the family circle. My parents like her too. |
Sophia | Do you live with your parents? |
Mariya | Yes, I do. My elder sister also lives with us. We are close friends with her. Do you have a brother or a sister? |
Sophia | No, I am the only child of my parents. And I already have my own family, a husband and a child. We are also a friendly family. We can discuss any problem and find the best solution to it. If you wish, you can visit us this weekend. |
Mariya | Oh! With pleasure. |