My favourite room / Моя любимая комната

Диалог средней сложности — My favourite room / Моя любимая комната

Look, Tanya! There is our living room.


Oh. it is so cozy! There is everything you need to have a good rest: a comfortable sofa and armchairs, a bookcase with modern and classic literature, and a TV-set,


Yes, but I think that our curtains, wallpaper and the thick carpet on the floor make it look so nice.


Is it your favourite room in your flat?


I like this room. However, my favourite one is my bedroom, which is also my study. Here it is.


Oh, how many photos are there on the walls!


I am fond of travelling, so I bring many pictures from the countries I visit. The best of them are on the walls.


And where is your favourite place in the room?


It is my desk. It is the best place in the flat to work and to dream about the next trip. I also like to sit in our kitchen and smell my mother baking an apple pie.


I can smell it already! Your kitchen looks so big!


There is very little furniture in it. That's why it looks wider. I like to sit here and drink tea with pies. Let's have some tea now.


Thank you!

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