A possibility of further research work / Возможность дальнейшей исследовательской работ

Короткий диалог выше средней сложности — A possibility of further research work / Возможность дальнейшей исследовательской работ

— Congratulations, Vadim! You have just received your M. A. diploma!

— Thank you, Dima!

— What are you going to do now? I've heard, you have written a very interesting research paper!

— Yes, I like research work. That's why I decided to study further after receiving my bachelor diploma.

— I am sure, you were a talented student. I think, you could continue your research work.

— Post-graduate studies are not very popular nowadays among young people.

— But in some fields of science there are outstanding research papers and discoveries.

— Well, perhaps, I will think about it once more.

— Besides, Ukraine has agreements on education with more than 30 countries and cooperates with more than SO international educational organizations, programmes and foundations. You may also gain a scholarship for your research.

— Thanks for the nice idea. I also think that research is international. It brings nations closer to each other.

— I wish you good luck in your research work!

— Thank you!

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