Meeting a Visitor / Встреча посетителя

Диалог выше средней сложности — Meeting a Visitor / Встреча посетителя

John: Mom, I'd like to introduce my Ukrainian friend, Sasha.

Mrs. Jones: How do you do?

Sasha: How do you do?

Mrs. Jones: What are your first impressions of England?

Sasha: Of course, it is much colder here than at home.

Mrs. Jones: Never mind. You'll be all right in a week or two.

Sasha: Thank you. I'd like to pay no attention to the weather and climate, but visit as many places, as I can.

Mrs. Jones: Right you are. Have you got some special plan where to go and what to see?

John: Mom, Sasha wants to travel around Scotland, Wales, and England and, if time allows, Northern Ireland, too.

Sasha: Yes, that's true. I'd like to take pictures of Snowdon, Ben Nevis and have a boat trip along the Thames, the Severn and the English Channel.

John: Yes, mom. We are going to book an excursion for the two of us and maybe for 2—3 friends of mine to go with us. Would you mind?

Mrs. Jones: No, of course not. The only thing is that you have to be careful every time you go to some new place. And if there are 4—5 of you, then you'd better stick together all the time.

John: Don't worry, mom. We will

Mrs. Jones: When are you going to start your excursions?

Sasha: Probably in two days.

Mrs. Jones: OK. I will give Uncle Jack in Wales a call. He'll show you everything you want. And besides, you won’t have to pay for the room in the hotel. He has his own house.

Sasha: Thank you, Mrs. Jones.

John: Mom, you are great. I'm so excited about the coming trip.

Sasha: Thanks a lot Mrs. Jones.

Mrs. Jones: I hope you like it here and visit us any time you can.

Sasha: Thank you, I will.

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