An English family is talking over the idea of sending their son to Harrow School

Диалог выше средней сложности — An English family is talking over the idea of sending their son to Harrow School

Mr. Philips: Margaret, we have to decide where to send our son, Paul. Have you talked to him yet?

Mrs. Philips: George, dear, Paul has just got to know that his best friend Michael going to study in Harrow School, so he wants to study there too.

Mr. Philips: This is good that he has a desire to study. But what do we know about Harrow School?

Mrs. Philips: I've already talked to Michael's mom and she told me that this is a boarding, single ex school. It is situated in the village of Harrow Hill ! Boys are there 24 hours of the day. They wear some special garment and hats during the week and tails on Sundays.

Mr. Philips: Very well. What do they study there?

Mrs Philips: Michael's mom has talked to Mr. Ian Beer, the Headmaster of Harrow School. He told her that boys have an opportunity to study languages: Greek and Latin; craft design technology, computer sciences and a lot of modern techniques in different subjects

Mr. Philips: That's great. I wish I could have studied all these subjects, when I was at school.

Mrs. Philips: I hope, Paul will like it there. Besides, his friend Michael will be near. Paul won't be bored or frightened in the first few weeks. Don't you think so, George?

Mr. Philips: I have the same point of view, dear. May De we shall continue our talk when Paul comes home in the evening.

Mrs. Philips: Right you are. We have to give him a chance to make his own choice.

Mr. Philips: I do agree with you.

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