Visiting the Crimea / Визит в Крым

Короткий диалог выше средней сложности — Visiting the Crimea / Визит в Крым

— I dream about visiting the Crimea this year! Each time I visit Yalta, I go to the Botanical Gardens, where thousands of rare plants from all over the world have been brought.

— I also enjoу walking along its alleys. It is like visiting different countries and continents and seeing the treasures of their nature.

— But the nature of the Crimea is unique itself. Picturesque landscapes, seas and mountains make it attractive for thousands of tourists who come to the Crimea each year.

— Everybody adore it as well! As for me, I like visiting its old castles: Livadiisky Palace, Alupkinsky Palace, etc. These are not only important historical places; they also contain a rich collection of art works: furniture, china, paintings, etc. Alupkinsky Palace has a beautiful park around it which is an art work itself.

— There are a lot of beautiful parks in the Crimea. One of the most famous is Sophiivsky Park in Uman. It is attractive every season because of its unique plants, picturesque landscapes and legends.

— Let's go there next time!

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